Again in the vicinity of Depok. this time I wanted to eat something that was not too heavy but also not too light. Then I stopped by for Ichiban sushi :)
Ichiban sushi is one of the restaurants located in the vicinity of Margocity.
Ichiban sushi in Margocity does not have too much room. When discussing the interior may not be too flashy or there is a point of attraction. This restaurant has an open kitchen concept, so we could see the chefs making sushi. What is unique in Ichiban Sushi is there is dry ramen which most Japanese restaurants serve ramen gravy.
Dry Ramen (with chicken katsu on top)
It's feel super soso, or ordinary! To m, it's too bland, so shame. Its rich noodles Indonesian yellow noodle so it feels. The only good thing just chicken katsunya wrote. Dry ramen is also equipped with vegetables (peppers, carrots & bean sprouts).
For you who are beginners about sushi, sushi in Ichiban this could be an option. It feels definitely suitable for the people of Indonesia. Very delicious! The contents fit (not a little / not stingy), it's also tasty, mantep banget! Suitable for your snack with friends chatting. Recommended!
Drinks: Ocha (Refill) and Lemon tea
Ocha : Yes, it's okay if the message japanese food dominant salty because soy sauce, ocha can neutralize our sense of taste. And in Ichiban sushi, his ocha can refill!
Lemon tea : it feels standard :)
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